If you didn’t know, I’m writing this book. Just a fun little project, a fiction piece, an attempt to articulate in a creative form my feelings on how it looks like to live out the faith, following the Gospel.
I’m realizing following the Gospel is dangerous. I’m also realizing that following the Gospel is so obvious. There are some things Jesus says that are confusing and quite stuck in the cultural context, however most of what he said is pretty plain. In the book I’ve set up the characters in a society that has no connection to our current society and it’s understanding of the Bible, Jesus, Christianity or organized religion in general.
As I write, I find myself having two very clear feelings:
1. My first reaction is to explain why I think the words of Jesus should be followed in the way that I suggest in my story. The thing is that I’m reacting to our current religion, where we say we follow Jesus, but aren’t really following a lot of what he says. Fortunately, I’m writing my own fiction book, so I don’t have to defend myself.
2. My second reaction is that reading Jesus’ words lately seems even more starkly obvious in what type of actions they require of us, particularly as it relates to stuff. How in the world do we miss this?
(It’s late, I have a feeling this didn’t make much sense. If not sorry.)