This will be a short review. I heard about The Manga Bible on a friend’s blog(also, also), and since my sister is into the manga and anime comic stuff I figured I’d check it out. I’m also a fan of contextualize versions of Biblical stories, as it always lends insight to the authors perspective and often gives you a new one.
I was never into comic books growing up (maybe a short stint in Batman or something, but I don’t recall), but I found reading this enjoyable. It was a very quick read, but I felt Siku (the author) summarized the stories throughout the Hebrew Bible quite succinctly. I also did feel like the New Testament stories gave proper space and awareness to the radical nature of Christ and the Early Church. It didn’t avoid stories about caring for the poor and sharing with those in need as it easily could have.
If you’ve never read any Manga style books before, but know someone who does, this might be worth recommending to them.
I gave this to my teenage daughter. She said she liked it because it made reading the Bible understandable and fun.
Glad your daughter enjoyed the book too.