I had the pleasure of getting to know Sam briefly while living in Nashville. He and a friend, Stephen Mosley, co-founded a website/organization called CoolPeopleCare, and together they co-authored this book, New Day Revolution: How to Save the World in 24 Hours
. My other good friend in Nashville, Daniel, bought me a copy and I finally sat down and read it.
If you’ve been to the site, CoolPeopleCare then you’ll get a basic idea of what the book is about, tons of simple lifestyle changes you can make to better the world. They include everything from drinking fair-trade coffee to reusing wrapping paper, all organized into nice little categories through out your day (Commute, 9-5, The Weekend).
What I really liked about this book is it was a simple reminder that our lives our made up of a million choices every day. We often go through the motions, not recognizing that each decision, each step, is often a choice, and for the betterment of the world, it’s a good thing to reconsider some of the choices we make. Something as simple as the toothpaste we buy is a choice that we make. Choosing organic toothpaste is a small change that can fall more inline with the convictions and values that we have. Same goes for stopping junk mail, or using your morning commute to learn something new.
New Day Revolution is a quick and easy read, and choosing to put into practice some of the things you learn in those pages is well worth your time.
Update!: Sam contacted me and gave me permission to do a giveaway on the site. I’m going to create a new post about it, but the prize will be an autographed copy of the book. The Contest will being on Monday, so stay tuned.
(p.s. I know I skipped a couple weekly book reviews, but I’ve still been reading. We are at week 28 of the year and I’ve already read 30 books!)
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