It’s my birthday. So if your looking for a youtubesdayish way to wish me happy birthday, might I suggest
I don’t know why (tribute to Zach and Keane) but this is what I felt like posting as a birthday video…
My only birthday wish is that I’ve had a positive impact on others lives, that I’ve loved my neighbor and followed God. If I’ve had a positive impact on your life I’d love to know how…email me.
Happy Birthday, Ariah 🙂
Peace to you as you extend love in your neighbourhood!!
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Cyndi Fine
Wow!! Can not belive you are this old/
somehow that line works every year!
26 things i love and appreciate about Ariah
will start from most current and go back
1. Amazing Daddy –
2. The way he loves/ adores/ takes care of his little girl
3. Wonderful Husband –
4. The way he loves/ adores/ takes care of his wonderful wife (who we are so thankful for!)
5. Cool Brother
6. the way he is there for and keeps in touch with his brother and sister
7. The way he laughs at things Keane does – he is absolutely one of his biggest fans ( so are we)
8. The Sweet Son ( i am the mom I can use that as my descriptive word:)
9. always and forever how much he lets us know how much he loves us
10. That he loves us – that he tells us
11. The way he loves others
12. That he tells them
13. His writing ability
14. that he writes
15. that he is Superman – because now he is writing for the Daily Planet
16. His sense of adventure
17. His desire to give
18. that he does
19. have include that I love and appreciate the photos and videos he puts on the computer of precious Adyra
20. That family is important to him
21. that he is smart and talented and always finds a way to use his gifts well
22. That he has taken thought out risks in his life –
23. I could live in the moments when he is with Keane and Chelsea and they are just in the same space being who they are.
24. That he is so crazy about the big orange splotch –
25. That he still knows he could be an astronaut if he wanted
26. I love that I could go on and name 26 more things I love and appreciate about Ariah.
27. this is like the candle for good luck –I LOVE that you are Who G-d made you to be!!