This is mostly a personal update. The weather has finally been beautifully nice up here, but the kiddo and I have been sick the whole time so we haven’t gone outside to enjoy it. Today, hopefully, we finally will. The sickness is mostly to blame for the lack of substantive postings, as well as some fun games of Scrabulous.
But, the real news is this. My friends, Daniel and Amanda, community members from Nashville, are going to be on the Oprah show today. So, find your TV mid-afternoon and enjoy. It’s channel 4 at 4pm here in Minneapolis. Check your local listings.
They’ve already got some great pictures and quotes on the Oprah website for you to check out.
This is the first time in my life that I have intentionally recorded Oprah. I look forward to checking it out when I get home.
I haven’t watch Oprah in years, but I’m planning to today. Its also on 4 at 4 in Nashville.
Sorry to anyone who went out of their way to watch the whole show.
Daniel and Amanda did awesome, but they were only on for about 5-10 minutes. More then half the show was about a single mom who works as an exotic dancer, which didn’t seem to quite fit with Freegans. Oh well.
Maybe someone can Youtube the part with Daniel and Amanda on.
funny, the wife has a dvr recording of oprah for lulls in evening programming or the occasional interesting topic. this one peaked her interests. so we watched. what the community she followed around in nashville? i wasn’t paying close attention to landmarks, but i assumed it was more like new york.
an interesting choice of lifestyle. sadly, if someone rummages through my trash they will be really disappointed, and hungry. just knock on our door
No post yet today?
interesting post, just now got to read this, interesting as i used to live in nashville…working for a grocer you would not believe the amount of good food tossed solely and simply do to fear of lawsuits!
ps…i am blogging again my friend
Glad to hear your blogging.
It’s interesting, many of the grocers who wish to comment on the topic want to point out all the dangerous food that gets tossed, which I don’t think is really all that much.