7 thoughts on “Alexa Redirect done.”

  1. I tried installing your plugin on WordPress 2.2.1 and it shows following error on homepage:

    Warning: ob_start() [ref.outcontrol]: output handler ‘ob_gzhandler’ cannot be used twice in /home/navjot/public_html/nspeaks/wp-includes/functions.php on line 419

    Please fix the bug. I have uninstalled the plugin as of now on blog http://nspeaks.com

  2. i think its cool that you have a plugin for alexa to boost traffic, but changing the url to all urls in your site, wouldnt that like affect the google’s indexing and pageranking of the site..?

  3. dude,

    Yes, I think it will have an affect on your ranking. It’s sort of a proof of concept plugin. I’m going to try and tweak it so you can decide were to put the redirects (sidebar, in posts, etc) I just haven’t got around to it yet.

  4. I installed in subdomain with wordpress 2.2.x are very successful. However, installing on my main domain that is using wordpress 2.1.3 did not result in anything. So it don’t support earlier version? Thanks

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