Digging into the archives again. I wrote this over five years ago when I was at Wheaton College. It’s a parable…
Once there was a great king who had three servants. The King had big plans for the servants and so he gifted them in different ways to accomplish their different task. To the first he gave a small home and food and immediately sent him about doing the daily chores that were essential to the functioning of the house. The second he also feed and clothed, but he sent this servant away to learn the skills for the trade he had in mind for him. He also had plans for the third servant to participate in the works he had planned. For the third servant he abundantly feed and clothed him; He gave the servant a very comfortable living quarters so that little could distract him from his studies and work. In addition he gave the third servant an abundance of resources with which to carryout his task. After a few years the King returned to check on his servants. The first reported, “I have diligently done those task which you gave me to do since you left, and I thank you for the blessing of food and clothing.” The king replied, “Well done. I have many more joyful works for which you can be a part.” The second servant reported, “I have learned the skills you sent me to learn and am ready for the task that you have prepared for me.” The king replied, “You have been faithful in your preparation, go now and participate in the joyous works I have in store for you.” Finally, the third servant reported, “I am proud to tell you that I have done well in the studies you have put me to. I far exceed in skill and intelligence your second servant, and in comparison to my peers in this school I am quite up to par. I do have a request though, I know the food you provide me is the best there is, but I’m tired of those slaves who provide the food telling me when I can eat, don’t they know who I am?” The king replied, “You wicked and foolish servant! Do you think you are deserving of anything you have been given?! You some how think that the resources and education and provisions you have been given are for your own worldly pleasure?! I have a plan for you to participate in my work in a way that is different, but no more superior to your fellow servants. But you have disgraced me and your fellow servants by using your gifts to satisfy your own desires. You foolish servant! Do you think I do not have your best interest in mind?! I have given you those resources so that you could share in the amazing joy of giving to others. But more importantly you have missed completely the point of your studies. I have not blessed you with your intelligence and put you in this place for you to measure up to the worldly standards of GPA. You lazy glutton! You are throwing away my gifts to you!! You have been blessed with knowledge so that you can bless others. There is a huge part of my body of believers that does not have a through knowledge of scripture. There is a world full of poor to which I plan on my hands reaching through your gifts. There is economic problems, I have given you the knowledge to fix it. There is political problems, I have given you the knowledge and ability to solve them. There are health problems, I have given you the resources and know how to heal them. How dare you take what I have given you and use it for yourself!”
Wow. Sweet way to make that parable contextual for today. Definitely poignant for me going back to school for one more year after this summer. Thanks for that encouragement.