30 Sermons You’d Never Hear in Church

The pews are filled, the preacher is out of town, and the pulpit is all yours. You step up to the old wooden bulwark. Everyone is quiet. You’ve been rehearsing this in your mind for years. You pause, steady your voice, let a slight smirk spread across your lips, and begin. . . .

Here’s your chance to pound the pulpit. In a world of super-powered faith, extremist religion, extremely commercialized church and atheist resurgence what word shall be spoken to the faithful? In a world of polarization, energy addiction, disparity and restless souls, what word do the faithful have for the rest of humanity?

Whether you’re an amateur prophet, ranting atheist, wily Buddhist, social gospel evangelist, caring shepherd of the flock or a bona-fide preacher with something too hot for Sunday morning, Geez issue 10 is your soap box.

You’ve got 750 words to exhort, inspire, pontificate, dream, console, convert, instruct, encourage, admonish or beseech. If you wish, suggest a brief lectionary reading–Biblical or other–to accompany your sermon.

1st $500
2nd $400
3rd $300

We’ll include the winners and a selection of runners-up among the 30 sermons in the Summer ’08 issue of Geez magazine.

Entry fee: $33
(Includes a one year subscription to Geez, or extension of your current subscription. Multiple submissions accepted: $15 for each additional entry, subscription applies to first entry only.)

Deadline: March 31, 2008

How to enter:

1. Send sermon and bionote
Send your sermon entry (750 words max.) and a paragraph about yourself (judges won’t see this, but we need bio info on winners).
Reply to email above, send to contest[at]geezmagazine.org

Or send it here:
Geez Sermon Contest
264 Home Street
Winnipeg MB R3G 1X3

2. Include payment (three methods)
– pay online at http://geezmagazine.org/orders
– by check to “Geez magazine” (address above)
– by phone, call our office at (204) 772-9610, have credit card handy

Note: Since we’ll receive many payments separate from entries we will send you an email to confirm we’ve received your entry and payment.

Questions? Contact our Contest Coordinator by email, contest[at]geezmagazine.org
or phone, (204) 772-9610

Please distribute this notice freely.

2 thoughts on “30 Sermons You’d Never Hear in Church”

  1. Jamie,
    I agree the entrance fee is a bit steep. I think it’s sort of a chance to promote their magazine as well. Geez is a completely Advertisement free magazine, so their subscription cost is a bit more then most. Your entry includes a one year subscription.
    I highly recommend subscribing to the magazine regardless of if you enter or not.


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