Video: This Is The Truth

Since I’m not posting on a regular basis, due to writing my book, my video this week doesn’t have to fit into any particular category. So here is a few for you to enjoy.

This is the Truth is a Great innovative video. Watch it all the way through, you’ll be happy you did. (ht. Virgil)

If you’ve never seen liquid dancing, this is sweet.

I don’t know why he stopped, but Josh had put together some great videos.

Since I’m concentrating my writing efforts on this novel, I’m going to posts some quotes and links to articles and blog posts I highly recommend you check out through out this month.

I’m also considering doing a podcast about the novel I’m writing, let me know if you’d be interested in listening to that. I found that recording my thoughts on the story line helped me flesh it out a bit more. It might give away some of the details though.
Alright, that’s it for now. Continue to read my novel if you have a chance.

Tomorrow I attempt to Write a Novel

Today, November 1st, I’m going to try and write a novel. I won’t finish it tomorrow, but I hope to finish something by the end of the month. I’m excited to do this for a number of reasons. As I might have mentioned before, both being a new father and beginning a new stage of life, I’ve been more anxious to articulate my feelings on how I see my faith being lived out. I’ve run into difficulties articulating this at times, and I’ve recently felt that this experiment in writing a fiction novel might be a good outlet for that. I have no idea how this is going to go. I’m very committed to doing it, but I’m more committed to being an attentive father and a caring spouse, so I’m going to try to balance these carefully.
I plan on writing my novel on a google document and I’m planning on leaving it open for others to read as I progress. I’d love to get some encouragement and/or feedback as I go. I’ll be sure to post the link here once I get started.

I won’t be writing anything significant on the blog for the next month. I do have a bunch of links to articles, videos and websites that I might post throughout the month just to keep you interested, but I’m going to try and really focus my attention on this writing project.

That’s about it for now. Wish me well.