Facebook etiquette

I want to talk about facebook etiquette. I’m not talking about the kind where guys are trying to make friends with every girl whose picture they like (that’s just immature), but more with people you already know.

Mainly I’m thinking about people you knew in high school but haven’t talked to since (five years). How does communication start? Like if I just go and add them as a friend will they think I’m desperate? Should I do the “I never added anyone, they all came to me” approach (aka. I’m too cool for you approach). If someone Adds you first, is it then your turn to send an actual message in return?
Should you befriend anyone who happened to know in High School, or only people you where REALLY friends with? Is there something wrong with being overly friendly? Are we supposed to fake like we are too busy to spend much time on facebook (though I know people spend hours on it).

Is this stuff even etiquette, or is it something else. I just think a thing like this is funny. It used to be you only saw each other at reunions and then you came back with all kinds of stories about how awkward it was and what not. Now we’ve got facebook and you can start to establish or re-establish friendships from years back.


Facebook web design

I just have to give an applause to facebook for a very well put together site. I was hesitant to get started in facebook because it sort of seems like just a big stalker site, but more on that later.

I finally dove in and I’ve been extremely impressed with the layout and design of the site. It runs really smoothly and does a lot of cool things. I wasn’t gonna load many pictures up, but once I took a sec to load a profile picture I was so impressed with their photo tools that I loaded a bunch more. You can select people within a picture and tag that person with their name, a VERY cool feature. Not only is it cool it runs really fast.

Well done facebook, well done.

Podcast collection

So I haven’t podcast in over a week. It’s hard to podcast let me tell you. But I did fix up my collection of podcast so you can have a handful of options of what to listen to.

First we have the ever refined Trying to Follow podcast series. Those will be posted here and they’ll be ones I’ll do my best to edit them nicely.

Next you have my short little random podcast. These could be about anything and they’ll be here and here.

Now come some themed podcast. Tech for the Rest of us will be my attempt at talking about technology (specifically web based stuff) that should be of interest to the common person.
Christian Rant and Rave will be my take on Christian culture, media, etc. And Podcasting on podcasting for podcasting is my periodic thoughts on how the podcasting business, software, etc could improve.

If your REALLY daring and you want everything rolled into one, and you just love the sound of my voice, you can subscribe here. or get the odeo feed.

I believe in the power of prayer

I used to pray for the students I worked with everyday, but I’ve been struggling with it lately. I started biking to work with out music playing in my headphones and I’ve had a more contemplative time.

If you don’t mind shouting up some prayers for the boys I work with it would be greatly appreciated.

Web hacks, Greasemonkey and Platypus

So I’ve got to find some good web hacking folks to help me out with some things. I’ve got these ideas but I have no idea how to implement them. Here are a few:

  • A button (like a bookmarklet) that opens ALL the links on a page at once.
  • A one click button that sends the URL of the page I’m looking at to my brother’s email
  • a fancier “find in a page tool” with the wonderful k* wildcard option
  • I’m wondering if many people who read this are going to be interested or understand at all what I’m talking about.

    I’ve been having an AMAZING time trying out Platypus on Firefox. For example I was annoyed with the setup of the Xanga look and feel page so I changed it. I took out the stuff I don’t use and widened the boxes I do.

    Before and AFTER

    Can you see the difference?

    If your interested in stuff like this email me and I’ll try and help get you started.