I want to talk about facebook etiquette. I’m not talking about the kind where guys are trying to make friends with every girl whose picture they like (that’s just immature), but more with people you already know.
Mainly I’m thinking about people you knew in high school but haven’t talked to since (five years). How does communication start? Like if I just go and add them as a friend will they think I’m desperate? Should I do the “I never added anyone, they all came to me” approach (aka. I’m too cool for you approach). If someone Adds you first, is it then your turn to send an actual message in return?
Should you befriend anyone who happened to know in High School, or only people you where REALLY friends with? Is there something wrong with being overly friendly? Are we supposed to fake like we are too busy to spend much time on facebook (though I know people spend hours on it).
Is this stuff even etiquette, or is it something else. I just think a thing like this is funny. It used to be you only saw each other at reunions and then you came back with all kinds of stories about how awkward it was and what not. Now we’ve got facebook and you can start to establish or re-establish friendships from years back.