Secret reading

So it’s interesting that I look at my stats and see 20+, sometimes 100+, people visit my blog on any given day, but I rarely get comments.
Anyone have any idea why that is?

The reason I like the internet for writing and reading is because of the opportunity for communication and dialogue (stuff you can’t get when reading a book or magazine). So why don’t we comment more? I think about writing papers in school and hating when I got a paper back with nothing but a grade (I didn’t like it too much when there was red grammar and spelling corrections all over it either). But I LOVED when I got real geniune feedback from a teacher: suggestions on how to make my writing better, positive affirmation when they liked a part, questions that got me thinking deeper about what I was writing and more.

So, I was thinking of starting a blog where people HAVE to comment on it to read it, but I don’t know how to make that work.

And a Reading Group

This idea came from a book I read two years ago called What’s Next by Walter Mosley.

Basically you get together with 3-4 friends and you decide on what media each of you is going to pay attention to. We don’t individually have time to read the whole newspaper, local and National, watch the news, and read the multiple websites, blogs, journals, magazines, etc that are important to us. So we divide and conquer.

The people you are in a group with need so share your values. You each choose media that you are interested in and you are in charge of reading those things and weeding out what is unimportant and then bringing and sharing with the group those things that ARE important.

I’m starting one with my brother and a close friend.


A writing group

Wouldn’t it be cool to be a part of a writing group? Here is my idea for one.

Find like two or three other people to join you in this.
-Each day you write for about 5-10 minutes straight without stopping, about whatever topic you collectively choose.
-Then you email each other (or use a online collaborating tool) and you read each other’s writings.
-Then you post feedback (for all to see) about what each of you wrote.
This would allow you to get constant feedback on the things that you write and it would also allow for you to learn from others writing abilities on whatever topic it is you choose that day. I’d really like to do something like this and I think it would be a very exciting way to become a better writer.

I remember that C.S. Lewis was a member of the Inklings, as was J.R.R. Tolkien, and some other famous writers. I wonder if they had some activity they did when they where together?

Anyone want to join me?

Let it flow

Some ideas and thoughts I’ve arrived at.

I’m a content maniac.
What I mean is I don’t much care about editing and finessing I just like putting things out there. It’s almost like that “think before you speak thing” in reverse. What I’m really getting at is that when it comes to blogging, podcasting, etc. I just like to put things out there, I’m to impatient to think through what I’m going to say, and I just want to start saying it. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
I’ve certainly found that when I podcast I come to a point where I run out of things to say, and since it’s recording and it’s just me in the room to fill the silence I sort of mumble and then press stop. It’s hard to just speak (I think it is) and not stop. It’s something I want to work on and that’s one of the reasons I do it.
When I write it’s the same thing. I have no desire to go back and proofread what I wrote, most of you will understand anyways. But what I wind up with sometimes is just a bunch of jumbled mumbo jumbo.
I don’t have a real appreciation of the arts. What I mean is that I can walk through an art museum pretty quickly. I learned that wasn’t a good idea and that I was supposed to sit and let the piece speak to me, and on a good day I can try and do it. I had a great art teacher in college who gave me this wild appreciation for the arts, but a year later I couldnt’ remember what he had told me. I wish I had taken better notes.
All that to say I want to be a better artist myself. I’m thrilled to look at the sketchbooks of friends of mine that they draw in on the bus. I’m so inspired to do it myself, but I rarely take the time to sit and draw. I want to be a better writer, and try to write some fiction every once in a while, but every time I sit down just random non-fiction thoughts come out. I want to try some poetry, and analogies, and emulating some famous writers styles, but I haven’t done it yet.
I’m on a video kick and I want to video tape everything and put it together in a documentary style. Wouldn’t it be cool to tape this!? But soon I’ll be tired of it.

I’m on a podcasting kick too, and I think it would just be the coolest thing to have my own little radio show where people call in and talk, and I have a cool co-host who says all kinds of smart things and I just sit back and pop-in once in a while with a joke (but they wouldn’t be that funny, becuase I’d probably have to find some on the internet).

I want to read, read, read, but I’m too impatient to just sit down and do it. I chapter ten pages long? I don’t have time. The truth is I have time, and what’s contained in many of those books are kernels of wisdom to make my time and life more meaningful. I’ve just been browsing through a teaching book lately, and every page ignites me with a passion for these kids.
I’ve gotten into a chronic habit of checking out books from the library to read, and then renewing them till I can’t anymore and then returning them. I continually keep maxed out the 25 books checked out limit I’ve got about a dollar in late fees to show for it, and I’ve only read the entirity of about five of them.

Teaching teens to read

So, I have a student who is really struggling in reading. I want to help and one thing I wanted to find was a software program that might be able to guide him along in his reading improvement.

I haven’t been able to find anything, does anyone have a suggestion?

Available free online would be far more ideal then something I need to purchase.

Good quality Sermons

So with the advent of digital audio it is extremely easy for churches to make their sermon’s available online to the entire world. So many sermon’s but there is no way I can listen to them all.

So I need your help. I’d love to compile a list of sermon’s I think others should listen to, but I need your recommendations.

Send them this way.