So, my desk is a mess, my computer files and bookmarks are randomly spread out and labeled, my in-box is jam packed, and my pocket planner has no systematic nature to it. I’ve been looking into a very interesting and cool organizing blog called 43folders. I’ve got some good organizing ideas, but what I’d really love is a good set of labels. Labels need to encompass Everything and yet be specific. It’s like trying to draw a Ven diagram, but you can’t have the circles overlap, and if they’re circles we won’t be able to cover everything so you have to change them to squares. So help me with these:
1. I’ve got 5 colors of labels I can use in my in-box. I can flag urgent post, I can leave plain unimportant post. Any suggestion on What five categories might encompass all aspects of my life? (Here is what I have as of now: Writings (blogs and comments, etc), Business (buying and selling, web-design, etc.), Friends (and family), and…
2. I’ve started using (a bookmark organizer) and I need to think through my tagging method before I get started. I can tag any bookmark with multiple one word tags, but I don’t want to overdue it. Any suggestions on a good method?
3. Now that your warmed up this is the important one. My planner contains work related appointments and ToDo’s, plain old life related stuff, and any random brain fart I might have. I need to think through a good plan on how to keep things organized and not forget anything.
So, I’m still researching; I’ll let you know what I decide on; For now send me some suggestions!